The Jealous Curator

Ok, so I have had a massive influx of followers on my Instagram, Facebook and blog this past week and I credit it all to the wonderful Danielle from The Jealous Curator who was kind enough to feature my work on her blog earlier this week.

It is totally surreal because I have been following her blog for at least five years now and always dreamed that one day she will pick me to be jealous of... Never actually expecting it to happen (not because I doubt my mad skills but because there are literally millions of awesome artists out there to pick from).

On Thursdsy morning, I woke up... Got the kids out of bed and sat down to eat my breaky. I popped into Facebook like usual and noticed that I had 45 notifications. Now usually I'll have one or two... So clearly something was up... The first thing I saw when I opened it up was..

"The Jealous Curator has mentioned you in a post"

No... Freaking..way

I clicked on it thinking that maybe she just shared or liked one of my photos... But no... She had posted about me IN HER BLOG.

Holy crap.

I had emailed her a few months ago to let her know how much I loved her blog and podcast and I mentioned then that I was an artist. She replied wishing me luck for my upcoming show (because she rocks) and that was that. I was listening to her podcast the other day again and she had an Aussie guest (Rachel Castel) and so I sent a quick message again just letting her know how awesome it was to hear an Aussies voice and how much I loved the episode. She replied again...because she is lovely... And I thought nothing else about it until Thursday morning.

Since then I have gained about 200 new Facebook followers and 300 new Instagram followers.

So anyway, if you found me through her blog then thank you for popping in.

I feel like an absolutely legit artist now. Life goal compete. 👌


Colour in Your Life



The episode of Colour in Your Life that I recorded a few weeks ago has gone live on YouTube. Hello to all the new fans that have found their way here through the various links.

If you haven't seen the episode yet you can watch it here

I was quite nervous on the day, it's quite a challenge to focus on creating a painting with people watching and asking questions at the same time LOL.

I have had a wonderful response so far which is very reassuring and I'm glad to hear that everyone is enjoying watching it.

I have had people ask me about the workshops that were mentioned in the video, they will be released via Everything Art in February. I will share links and more information about that in a few months,